Press releases, Publication

For what sin did you kill Naira Ashraf? The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms is sounding the alarm Violence is increasing and the victim is the Egyptian woman

Within the framework of the efforts of the National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms, to study phenomena, birthday gifts, happiness, happiness for her in EgyptAir, the student at the same university in front of the university city walls for her refusal to marry him several times! Coalitions that were published and were photographed on social media, to resort to the customary councils that apparently ended the dispute. The murderer, the criminal, continued to follow the victim everywhere, which spread terror in the veins of the girl before her death by ringing the Al-Aqsa Mosque in front of everyone, and it became clear and effective. Crimes of violence against homes increased and acts of violence began in homes. , and the start of families and starting from 2022, and this is part of the state of violence that Egyptian society in general is going through.
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms repeatedly stresses that there are many factors that are exacerbated by the societal community, and the necessary measures are to be taken from the neighboring community. Publishing houses are in the pre-publication stage. Which makes him a practitioner to participate in measures to provide safety for the girl and to sign international projects that effectively support women’s rights and to consider the country’s research by studying the phenomenon and knowing the real reasons that begin in this tender in the cases and subject matter of implementation
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms appeals to the state to activate the existing laws and legislation in order to achieve deterrent provisions on everyone who pursues violence as a way to express ignorance, and to consider all the reasons with which the pace of systematic violence is increasing within society, and to stop immediately the mechanisms of sedition and the rich awareness of his name society, and the continuity of women’s support for a safe society and a safe street for them. The National Defense of Rights and Freedoms also calls for an increase in patrols in front of universities and schools for the sake of universities and schools for the sake of society, not only protecting girls from female students throughout school days. The absence of an active role in the first round, the first universities and schools, which was clearly evident, and occurred among students of the same university. The walls of the same university, which confirms that there is no official in the management of Mansoura University.