Press releases, Publication

Palestine is under bombardment

The Arab Assembly of Civil Society Organizations (Watan) strongly condemns the ongoing aggression by the Zionist usurper on Palestinian lands in Gaza, which lasted for two days, as the brutal aggression began on Saturday morning, May 4, 2019, leaving behind many martyrs, whose number has reached 20 martyrs so far. Men and women, and 6 of them are children.

The Arab Gathering denounces the Arab and international silence on this repeated brutality by Zionist gangs that usurp the land and reap the lives of innocent civilians whom we consider martyrs to God, and do all these crimes with clear protection by the American administration that seeks to fuel violence in the region with catastrophic decisions such as moving its embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem And finally, with the rash, crazy, illegal decision to declare that the Golan is Israeli, we strongly warn against the danger of tampering with the capabilities of the Arab people by the American administration and its allies and its danger to public peace and the spread of the phenomenon of black terrorism in the Arab region.

The Arab Gathering of Civil Society Organizations affirms its continuous endeavor to unify the Arab ranks and joint action in the pressing Arab issues, at the heart of which are the Palestinian and Syrian issue, emphasizing the Arabness of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, not recognizing what the US administration decided wrongly, and working with all force with international organizations to address the global and humanitarian conscience with the massacres that occur under Everyone heard and saw.

The Arab Gathering, and through the Al-Sabah Charitable Organization in Gaza, monitors and documents the Israeli violations against civilians in Gaza and the extent of the destruction that was inflicted on them during two days of continuous bombing, and the Palestinian resistance deals with these brutal attacks that target children and the elderly. It was said by Professor Sabah Ayyash, Chairman of the Commission, that the Zionist missiles The determination and faith of the Palestinian people is mainly aimed at its cause, which is that Jerusalem is Arab and it cannot be compromised, but we are getting stronger and clinging to the land more than ever, and we see our children sing and sing songs when they hear the sounds of explosions and rockets invoking the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. With what they saw from explosions, wars and tragedies.

The Al-Sabah Charitable Organization monitored the continuation of the Palestinian resistance’s dealing with the Zionist aggression in the north of the Gaza Strip, with the increase in the Zionist air raids with all meanness, but there is always confidence that the Palestinian people will win and Jerusalem will remain Arab without giving up any inch of Arab lands.

The Arab Gathering of Civil Society Organizations (Watan) calls on the leaders of the Arab world to intervene to stop the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip and hold an emergency meeting for the League of Arab States to discuss the matter and come up with solutions to the Arab problems that are constantly increasing without stopping them. We are confident that the Arab countries consider that the Palestinian cause is their cause The first and the eternal and can not be forfeited in any way

Mr. Walid Farouk, head of the Arab Alliance, also stressed that international human rights organizations should monitor the documentation of violations by the Zionist entity against the right of civilians and that international standards be applied to all barbaric practices on the Zionist side, and it is strange that we monitor the silence of many of them with the amount of disasters and massacres that War crimes constitute full-fledged elements and we must be helped in the internationalization of crimes before international courts to prosecute the criminals of the Zionist entity.

The Arab gathering of civil society organizations (homeland) also calls on all Western countries to lift support for Israeli barbarism within the Security Council and to seek to obtain a resolution aimed at deterring the brutal Israeli aggression against civilians and also to remove the protection cover imposed by the United States of America and its allies from the defects of the Zionist entity, which cites an example in Racism and the violation of human rights and democracy values ​​in every step they take. We also affirm that we, as an Arab region, suffer from terrorism, which we fight every moment for the sake of humanity.

Finally, the Arab Association of Civil Society Organizations (Watan) trusts in the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and demands that organizations working in development and relief put their hands in the hands of Palestinian organizations in Gaza in order to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people there, and we hope that humanitarian aid will reach the hands of civil society to reach everyone. The Palestinian people are constantly suffering, and we know that the countries of North Africa, the Gulf states, Asia and others provide full support to the Palestinian people, and Egypt in particular has a long history of sacrifices, and it still offers much and much to the Palestinian cause on the political or economic level, but we hope that the world is aware of the ugliness of the crimes that are committed every day and that the states support European and Western countries, through their aid and organizations in support of the Palestinian people, and that the Palestinian cause within the United Nations be supported in the face of the American veto, which is always used to protect Israeli crimes from impunity.