Press releases, Publication

Supports the armed forces’ efforts to cleanse Sinai of terrorism

The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms

It supports the armed forces’ efforts to cleanse Sinai from malicious terrorism and confirms that we all stand behind our armed forces that are fighting a fierce war on the beloved land of Sinai to cross the Sinai to development and prosperity. Construction and development.

And the National Association for Defending Rights and Freedoms invites all spectrums of Egyptian society to stand together behind our armed forces because history always gives us lessons and lessons in what preceded the achievement of great victories for the Egyptian state when they all stood behind their armed forces and behind the Egyptian state throughout history when Egypt faced the Tatars, the Crusades and the entity The usurper Zionist just as Egypt has bright pages in the war against terrorism in the eighties and nineties, when the Egyptian society stood up for its politicians, intellectuals, and every individual in the Egyptian society to defeat terrorism in this important historical period. We are not here giving a lesson in history. Rather, we demonstrate that when battles intervene, we will win I am confident that Egypt will eliminate the roots of terrorism and its disappearance from the whole world.

May God protect Egypt, our armed forces and its police. This land is mentioned in the Qur’an and it will be protected by the hands of its people as they have preserved it for thousands of years.