Press releases, Publication

The National Defense Society and Paradigm International Studies Center launch a strategic study on “The Renaissance Dam… Suggested solutions to avoid the worst scenario”

The National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms – Egypt, in cooperation with the Paradigm International Center for Strategic Studies – Geneva, issued a joint research study entitled
“The Renaissance Dam…justice in development…proposed solutions to avoid the worst scenario”
The study discussed the Renaissance Dam crisis in all its aspects, geopolitical, political, cultural and social, and its environmental, developmental and economic repercussions in general on the countries of Egypt and Sudan. It also monitored the positions of the relevant countries, with the positions of the international actors, especially the African Union, the European Union, the United Nations, and the position of The Arab League. The study also analyzed the positions of China as an indirect supporter, Turkey, Israel and America, in terms of the reasons behind their policies towards the Renaissance Dam crisis and their own agendas.
On the other hand, the study discussed the developmental, environmental and economic risks in the event of non-compliance with a legal agreement binding on the three parties (Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan). The study also monitored the most important expected negative outcomes on the social situation in the countries of Egypt and Sudan, and the expected crisis in the event of not reaching a binding agreement, At the end of the study, Paradigm researchers presented their vision for the solution (suggested solutions) based on the results of the study.
The issue of the Renaissance Dam portends a catastrophic humanitarian situation, both at the water and agricultural levels, and it will get worse if it reaches an armed conflict between the three parties, which prompted the National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms to launch the “Save Lives … Save Africa” campaign in early July 2020 So far, 450 African organizations and personalities have joined the campaign to support saving lives and trying to pressure the three parties “Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia” to return to negotiations and expedite the signing of a legal agreement binding on the three parties, guaranteeing Ethiopia’s right to development and equally preserving the water rights of Egypt and Sudan, Emphasizing not to take any unilateral measures so as not to further complicate the issue, but the Ethiopian authorities continued their unilateral approach, defied all mediators, and completed the first filling.
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms (NADR) is an Egyptian civil rights organization with special consultative status _ Economic and Social Council _ United Nations (ECOSOC), seeking to protect lives and maintain peace and security in the Nile Basin region in order to build joint cooperation relations between the countries of the Nile Basin The Nile, peaceful coexistence and the use of natural resources for the advancement and development of the African continent.
And because the National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms always seeks to be part of the solution, it has built a real partnership with one of the most important research centers in order to prepare a strategic study on the issue of the Renaissance Dam, and the economic and development risks to Egypt and Sudan, in the event that a binding agreement is not reached. For everyone. Indeed, it was agreed with the International Paradigm Center for Strategic Studies (IPCSS) to prepare the study based on the desire and request of the National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms to prepare and review this study with university professors researching at Paradigm Center, in order to produce a rational study that contributes definitely to resolving the issue, and put forward Unconventional solutions to understand the necessary economic and social aspects.
Indeed, the Paradigm Center’s working group has completed the study, and it has been reviewed by the National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms, and we have noticed the great effort in preparing the study, which prompts us to thank all the researchers in the study and those in charge of the center’s management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms always seeks to benefit from the experiences available in society, in order to find real integration. And because we believe in specialization, we signed a cooperation protocol with the Paradigm International Center for Strategic Studies on June 3, 2021, and the first result of this joint cooperation was the issuance of that study.
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms always seeks to present a human rights vision on various issues, and we are pleased to present this important work, and we hope to always be part of the solution, and works to consolidate human values, and instill the values ​​of tolerance and dialogue in our societies for further advancement and growth and moving away from conflicts and violence.